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Teach them Theatre

Why you should be excited.

Did you know artistic expression plays a huge role on a developing child's brain? Did you know that exposure to the arts leaves a lasting impression? Did you know that universities nation wide now show favor to applicants that have had exposure and experience in the arts throughout their adolescent years? Theatre and self expression are HUGE. Missoula Children's Theatre is such an exciting and fun way to exposure your children to culture, the arts, and is also a relaxed and anxiety-free way for your children to learn to interact and socialize with others. We love theatre, and we hope your kids do, too!

Now that you're interested - we've got the deets.

So, Missoula Children's Theatre is coming, and you want your kids involved! Call us at 478-290-5082 to get more information! Here's the tentative schedule:

August 21st26th | All After School


4:00-6:00 | Auditions

5-7 Year Olds Dismissed

6:00-6:15 | Sack Supper | Each child brings their own.

6:15-8:15 | Rehearsal


No practice for 5-7 years old this day

4:00-6:00 | Rehearsal

6:00-6:15 | Sack Supper | Each child brings their own.

6:15-8:15 | Older Students Rehearse


4:00-6:00 | Rehearsal

6:00-6:15 | Sack Supper | Each child brings their own.

6:15-8:15 | Older Students Rehearse


4:00-6:00 | Rehearsal

6:00-6:15 | Sack Supper | Each child brings their own.

6:15-8:15 | Older Students Rehearse


4:00-7:00 | Rehearsal

7:00-7:15 | Sack Supper | Each child brings their own.

7:15-8:15 | Final Rehearsal for Older Students


1:30 | Cast Arrives at Theatre for Costumes and Make-Up

3:00 and 5:30 | Final Performances

"The point of theatre is transformation: to make an extraordinary event out of ordinary material right in front of an audience's eyes."